Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mama Rika is Back!!

After a rather long break, we have returned to the blogging world.  The family has added three daughters-in-law and a grandbaby since our last post.  This most recent family picture will be outdated shortly as more grandchildren are coming soon. 

Our website, CompleteLee Family has gotten a facelift.  It is surely a work in progress, but we think it is a lot more user friendly now.   

If you have been missing Mama Rika, Chef Maki and all the others, you are in luck because you should be hearing from all the CompleteLee Blogger Personas very soon.  In case you are new here, let me explain:

Mama Rika gives all the family updates.
Chef Maki blogs about anything having to do with food.
Makiavelli's job is to write about all things creative.
Sport Maki's contribution is probably fairly self-explanatory.  She brings you up to date on sport stuff.
Marika Lee is the musical one.
Ms. Wise and Ms. Otherwise shares educational/learning/homeschool experiences, tips and tricks.
Mow-gLee is one to watch out for as she shares all the monkey business.  
Ms. Cellaneous loves the random, the odds and ends, and anything that just doesn't really have a place elsewhere.

Ta ta for now!  See you again soon.

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