Friday, May 8, 2009

Makiavelli's Masterpiece Edible Clay Recipe!

Here is the recipe to go along with the Masterpiece Maker post which I highly recommend reading {and watching} if you haven't already. :)

Make a Masterpiece Dough
1 (18 oz.) jar of peanut butter
6 tbsp.of honey
1/2 c. of dried milk
¼ cup corn starch

Mix the peanut butter and honey. Add the dried milk. Add the corn starch. Put this in the fridge until ready to use. As everyone uses the clay, you may want to have them brush their hands with cornstarch first. {FYI, you could use this clay recipe for a lesson on Noah's Ark, for creating molecules for a science lesson, for setting up a mini battle scene for history, etc.}

Assorted dried fruit—kiwis, apples, cherries, mangoes, etc. (I got a cool assortment from Costco.)
Baking chips—butterscotch, white chocolate, etc.
Other random goodies

Put the above items in small bowls.

When it is time for the activity, put all the bowls on the table and give each person a portion of the dough. Little people get little portions.Everyone can create a fantastic treat from the materials provided. Have them think of a plan or design for a moment before beginning. Some people will form the dough into the shape of something recognizable like a tree, or an animal or building. Others may make a rather abstract design that looks quite nice. Still others may simply have the plan to cram as many of their favorite items into the dough as possible to create the most delicious flavor they can. There is no wrong way to create your masterpiece. Here are our creations...

Nanner clothed her creation in fruit and garnished it with nuts and seeds.

Bub created a chubby penguin. (It looked much cuter in real life. Pardon the lame photography.) The penguin is about to feast on a lovely dried fruit on a toothpick kebab.
Here is the back side of the penguin--you can see his kiwi "feathers".

Peanut's masterpiece required heavy concentration to get it just right. (He used to hold his tongue the same way when he was first learning how to use scissors. Glad I caught this one on film. :)Here is the result of his creative thinking. (Those of you who know us well may be wondering why there are chocolate chips on there--rest assured, it isn't chocolate. The "chocolate story" will have to be told on another day.)My efforts resulted in a fruit basket.Princess took her project seriously.She drew ideas from her own imagination, as well as borrowing a few thoughts from others. After several foiled attempts, Sticky decided that these flat faces were just right.
Kevin's contribution to the masterpiece fest was this inventive spaceship.
Our "newly acquired" member of the family, Carol, made this very cool new Star Wars creature! We highly recommend every family having a Carol. Carol's are very intelligent, super funny and lovable to boot. Carol graces us with her presence every Monday night for our Family Home Evening. Thanks Carol!

Every one of us is a unique individual with different gifts, likes, and skill sets. Have joy in the creating and making it the way you want it to be. We had fun. Hope you do too.
If you want the FHE lesson plan version, I'll put a link here as soon as I get it posted.

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