Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pictures from Mama Rika (Da Girls)

Gotta love toothless cheesers!Awe! Sweet sisters!"Okay, Mom! Mom! What are you doing?! Mom! I look ridiculous in that picture."

"You do? How can you tell?"

"Your phone shows the picture on this side too, Mom."

"Oh, it does? It does!"
This little one was the director for this year's Nativity production. She assigned parts, etc. Everyone had to take orders from her. :)
Okay, so she just got back from running and was sweaty and gross and didn't want pics taken. Therefore, you get a penmanship sample instead.

Want more pics? See (Da Boys) (Da Baby) and (Christmas).


CompleteLee Blogger said...

haha. I just noticed I spelled "awe" as in wonderment instead of as in "aw" as in how cute. oh well. :)

Lana said...

I love da girl's missing tooth and da other girl's girly penmanship