Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pictures from Mama Rika (Da Baby)

Who could possibly resist giving this little pantry raider everything he wants? I mean, seriously? Look at that grin.
Now, let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time Chubby nodded his head up and down very quickly while tugging on Mama's pantleg.
Neverminding the fact that he was trying to communicate something to her, Mama continued to take pictures as he wandered over to the cupboard.Chubby stayed still for long enough to contemplate his choice of cup.
Thinking the red one would do nicely, he headed back to Mama.
Mama--drink please?
Mama finally gets the point. No more pictures. Baby thirsty.
Want more pics? See (Da Boys) (Da Girls) and (Christmas).


iMother2.0 said...

what a very BUSY baby! :)

Laurie said...

Wow. Lots of really fun pictures!!!

Lana said...

He is getting so big! He was already cute, but he looks so much older (I guess that's what happens... :)