Monday, October 8, 2012

Mama Rika Update

Princess gets straight A's at this check in with her Ancient Olympics display.  She has been extra creative of late.  She just came downstairs with a bag she whipped up at the sewing machine, as she exclaimed, "The sewing machine is much faster!".  This weekend she started stitching a new blanket piece by piece by hand.  She has also been weaving potholders and she hand sewed a hooded cape.  What a clever little pumpkin!

From Elder Connole:

Short one this week.


a lot of goodbyes were said since we knew I was being transferred to Fairmont. It's hard to leave an area you've been in for 7 months.


bright and early we got up and  left to get to transfers. It took about 7 hours or so of travelling to get to my new area. Fairmont is pretty great. A small colllege town just outside of morgantown (home of WVU). There's a lot of cool things about the new place. I'm excited to serve here. Before even unpacking, my new Comp, E. Boughan and I were out knocking doors and having a jolly time at it.  It should be a pretty good transfer.


Not a ton to report, tracted a bunch again, visited members, and planned for the week.


We invited tons of people to general conference, I was pretty excited for this one coming up. We found a lot of potentials because of it. Did some service at the soup kitchen. it's name is the "Soup opera" I only spilled one tray of food, so not a bad day overall


GENERAL CONFERENCE! I'm not kidding when I say that it was like the missionary version of the superbowl. I was more pumped up for this General Conference than any other. Imagine my excitement as that morning we found a new investigator, and invited her to be baptized, and later walked into the church building just in time to hear Pres Monson's announcement for age limit to missionaries. WOW! awesome! It's going to have a lot of far reaching effects.  I'm excited for it. A lot of young gun missionaries coming through the works.


GENERAL CONFERENCE! almost as pumped as the day before, I loved E. Holland's talk almost as much as E. Nelson's talk. Apostles are great.

Love ya!
Sorrry for the short letter. It should be a better one next week. 

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