Thursday, January 1, 2009

Enhance Your Life in 5 Minutes--Task 1 from Ms. Cellaneous

If you haven’t read what the “Enhance Your Life in 5 Minutes” series is all about, please click here.

To get started off this month, the task for the day is:

Write 4 goals to accomplish in January. ...WAIT!! Before you click away from this page in disappointment due to my lack of originality, read my reasoning! Yes, it is the beginning of the New Year. Yes, everyone already thinks about writing goals at this time of year. You thought this series was going to be exciting, non-boring and full of fresh new ideas. Well, maybe there will be some of that, but you have to admit that there are some old but good ideas out there!

With all that said, let me expand on today’s project. Write 4 goals, yes, but do it in this manner.
Minute 1 should be used to clear your mind. Take a deep breath and relax. Allow your focus to shift away from all the daily matters that plague you. (Just for 5 minutes. Then you can get back to tackling all those things!) Allow your mind to be ready to receive the inspiration that will surely come!
Minute 2 will be used to begin ponderous brainstorming as you initiate the process of answering the question “What 4 new and important things do I want to accomplish this month?” You must let yourself consider any and all options. Do this with pencil in hand.
Minute 3 finds you furiously writing down the ideas that flood your mind.
Minute 4 is reserved for looking over your list and highlighting the 4 items that leap out at you, begging to be accomplished ASAP.
Minute 5 can be for rewriting these goals legibly on a 3X5 card or colorful post-it note to place in a conspicuous location. Put the “achieve by” date on the bottom of the note and cross off anything you get done. That’s it! Nice work!
Try not to take more than 5 minutes. If you take 15 or longer, you are cheating! (Not really, but by taking only approximately 5 minutes, you don’t take time to second guess your top 4 picks. You just go with your first impression, wish is usually good.)

I plan to try for goals in these areas:
Something out of my comfort zone
Something unusual for me (but not necessarily uncomfortable)
Something difficult but fulfilling
Something uplifting

Use those suggestions, or not. Do try to pick a specific thing. Don't say, "Lose weight." Rather say something like, "Eat 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day this month."

If you accomplish the task of Write Down 4 Goals to Accomplish in January, leave a comment letting me know you did it. I’ll leave a comment when I get it done too. (Not the goals themselves, just the act of writing them down.)