Monday, November 2, 2009

Five Minutes for Thankfulness with Ms. Cellaneous

The Challenge: Think of something you are thankful for today. Write it in the comments section. Do this every day for the rest of this month.

The Reward: Nothing you can hold in your hands. You will receive warm fuzzies in your heart. You will be able to see things that others are grateful for that you may not have thought of recently.

Come Back: By clicking on our family pic on the top of the right hand side bar, you can easily return to this page.

I'll Start: I am going to begin the challenge by saying I am very thankful for my family. This often comes to mind, but it is an important one. Besides, I have cute pictures to share. :)
The Whole Gang
Chubby (Yes, he needs a different web name.)







Mom & Dad

"Sweet Peas & the Pods"
Please join me in being thankful each day. This doesn't even take 5 minutes! It is an easy challenge and well worth the effort! Have a wonderful day!


Lana said...

Wow, you look so great! And all the pics turned out so well. I really like the one of Chubby :)

Laurie said...

I'm glad you've started this back up again!

I'm also thankful for family, but today, I'm especially thankful for my Mom! She picks up the slack when I'm not feeling great! (Which is a lot, lately!)

Bugs said...

Chubby looks soooo cute! Like a big boy! Nan is BEAUTIFUL! (Don't let her read that! It might go to her head! haha!) Handsome boys and beautiful girls!

CompleteLee Blogger said...

Today I am thankful people who are good examples to me and my children.

CompleteLee Blogger said...

Okay, so I am lame. I am not even doing my own idea! Just go be thankful on your facebook status instead if you want, it is probably easier! I am thankful today for laughter!